Dear Boston,
We met face to to face for the first time, three weeks and one day ago, but you and I have been creating memories together for much longer than that. Here is a list of my favorite memories with you so far:
The day I found out you were in my tummy. Daddy and I jumped up and down and ran around the house, screaming, laughing and crying. We were so excited to start our lives with you.
The first time I felt you kick. I wasn't sure if I was feeling you or not and you had already been in my tummy for 22 weeks. One night while I was sitting on the couch (probably watching Lost reruns) you gave me a nice, big kick! I laughed out loud and couldn't believe not only did I feel your kick, but I saw your kick too! I called Daddy right away and he was so excited. When he got home that night, he got to feel and see some of your big kicks too.
The first time I saw you in an Ultra Sound. You just looked like a little Gummy Bear, but I loved you immediately and Daddy and I both cried because we were so happy to see you.
When Daddy and I found out you were a boy. The whole time I was pregnant we had been referring to the baby in my tummy as Boston. We just felt like you were a boy and we were right! Again...we cried when we found out. Mom and Dad cry ALOT when we're happy. :)
When you would hiccup in my tummy. I would rub my tummy to try and comfort you because your hiccups were pretty big, just like they are now.
The first time I got to see your little cheeks and lips in an Ultra Sound. Feeling you move in my tummy at night and in the morning. I really loved that.
Holding you endlessly in my arms and watching all of your cute (and sometimes sad) face expressions.
Kissing your little cheerio mouth, while you look around with wide eyes, wondering if milk will somehow just drop right in that tiny hole.
Sleeping with you, when I just can't seem to put you down.
Watching you drink your bottle for the first time, after I realized you had been starving for the first few days of life.
My first night up all night with you in the Hospital, taking care of you, and enjoying every diaper change, every cry, every little thing about you.
Nursing you and then watching you chub up, because I am providing for you.
Family kiss fest on your first night home with me and Daddy. You just stared up at us and we kissed each other and you for a good, long, ten minutes. Daddy and I couldn't believe just how lucky we are.
Watching you smile.
Looking at you, while you look at me.
Watching you look intensely at Daddy and hang on his every word.
Singing to you and watching you calm immediately down.
Bringing you into this world and seeing your head full of hair for the first time.
Boston, I cherish every one of these memories with you and I know we are going to create so many more, but my number one favorite memory with you, that will never leave me is the moment they placed you on my chest. We had beautiful church music playing and the room was quiet. After an hour of pushing, all of a sudden, you were here. I couldn't even see your face, but I remember feeling your wrinkly little bum and kissing the top of your head. We heard your first sweet little cries, but as soon as they put you on my chest, you calmed right down. The feeling I had in that moment is beyond description, but I will never forget it. I just could not believe that you were mine. I remember looking over at Daddy and seeing tears stream down his face as he said, "happy birthday Boston". I remember seeing a nurse wipe the tears off her face, but mostly I just remember that feeling of touching you for the first time and knowing that you are all mine...and Daddys. :)
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