Your blessing day was a very sweet day for our family. Dad and I were so giddy all day long and we felt so proud to be your parents. We blessed you in Daddy's home ward with almost all of his family there. My family couldn't be there, but they all wish they could of been. You looked so handsome in your baby velcro tux with matching velcro cumberbun. :) Dad gave you a wonderful blessing that I will have to get from Nana. She wrote it out in shorthand and I took notes on it too. It was a really great blessing and quite a few things stood out to me, but three things stood out the most.
1. You were blessed to be a good friend to those around you and to be a good example.
2. You were blessed to know how much Dad and I love you.
3. At the very end of your blessing Dad was about to finish but he felt inspired to mention that the Lord is proud of you for choosing to come here to this life and although you will have trials you will succeed in the end.
# 3 was a comfort to me. :) I know you will do great things with your life and Dad and I will always love you and we will always be proud of you. When Dad brought you up to be blessed you were asleep but once the blessing started you woke up and Dad says that when he blessed you to know how much we love you he opened his eyes (because a couple people were laughing softly) and he saw a big huge grin on your face. Does this mean you really do know how much we love you? Or maybe you could just feel a familiar spirit. Or maybe you were just as happy as Dad and I were on this very special day.
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