
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Letter to Isaac


Dear Isaac,

I'm lying in bed, with you, sandwiched between me and your brother.  Daddy's out of town and I've always pulled Boston into bed with me when he leaves, but the last few trips I've pulled you in too.  You're getting older bud.  More privileges, more responsibilities, more siblings, more everything.  There are only 4 of you so technically we don't have a middle child. But, because your youngest siblings are twins I feel like you're our middle.  Boston's the oldest, the twins are the youngest.

And as my middle child, tonight, I just felt the strong urge to let you know that you matter.  I see you.  I love you.  I notice you.  I respect every little thing that makes you you.  I hope you never feel lost in the shuffle.  I hope you always know how important you are to the very foundation of our family.  Without an Isaac our family wouldn't be nearly as fun, and silly, and thoughtful.  Your brother would be missing his best friend.  Your sisters would miss you teaching them everything you know. Your Dad would miss the love and hugs you pour out on him (you fill his cup with so much love) And I would miss all of the beautifully colored pictures, completed puzzles strewn about the house, and imaginative conversations we have together.

At this very young age what I see in you is,
patience.  So much patience.
A forgiving heart.
A caring friend.
An engineering mind.

At only 4 years old, there are so many more layers of Zekey to unravel and get to know and I can't wait for all of it.

I just wanted you to know it's a pure joy raising you.  I love you beyond.


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